Summer Renovation at Circle Project

Circle Project RenoThe summer of 2015 will go down in the Circle Project history books as the Summer of the Hammer and Dust.

In order to better serve our program participants, we made some major changes to our main office space at 1102 8th Avenue. With the help of some community members who were transitioning back into society from recent incarceration, we were able to transform our space on the 2nd floor in a matter of a few weeks.

In addition to removing an office area to make way for an amazing new group room (complete with plenty of natural light and a supply storage area), we also created a multi-functional space for our newest program called H.O.M.E.S. Some of the existing program areas were also spruced up with some new paint and or a change in décor.

Although it was a lot of work, staff did a great job in showing great cooperation and flexibility in their schedules while still continuing to provide services through the renovation. All in all, it was a great teambuilding and bonding experience for the staff, and the changes will benefit the community for many years to come.

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