Programs & Services

The Circle Project offers a network of programs and services that serve as stepping stones for vulnerable individuals and families as they work toward independence and sustainability. Our wraparound programs and services model is designed to allow staff and programs to work together and complement each other. As our goal is to decrease the stress for our clients, we use a seamless referral process that allows program participants to access as many programs as they need.

Because of our ability to really listen to what people in our programs are telling us through their evaluations and feedback, we provide programs and services that are culturally relevant and effective, designed to assist people with breaking down barriers to education and employment and/or assist with building skills that will lead to a desire to go back to school, land a job and create a better life for themselves and their families.

We work with individuals and families from a strengths-based approach and perspective to build capacity and to assist them make progress in their lives according to what they want to achieve. As a result, we produce the kind of positive outcomes that change people’s lives for the better through firm attachment to the economy via work or school.


Our Current Programs & Services

  • Family Violence Program
  • Lifestyles & Counselling Program
  • Children’s Centre
  • Infant & Toddler Centre
  • Cultural Connections for Kids
  • Building Cultural Competency



  • Aboriginal people make up 18% of children and only 2% of seniors in Regina. (Aboriginal Population Profile for Regina 2011)
  • Two-thirds of Regina’s Aboriginal children live in poverty. (Pringle report)
  • Regina’s Aboriginal population account for 9.3% (16,530/176,910) of Regina’s overall population. (Aboriginal Population Profile for Regina 2011)
  • An Aboriginal person between the ages of 25 and 54 is more likely to be unemployed than the non-Aboriginal population; 12% and 2.9% respectively. (Aboriginal Population Profile for Regina 2011)
  • Population growth for Aboriginal people in Regina has increased from 7.5% to 9.3% in a ten-year span and continues to grow at a fast pace. (Aboriginal Population Profile for Regina 2011)
  • Saskatchewan has the highest rates of family violence in the country; 30% higher than Manitoba and almost triple that of Ontario. (Statistics Canada 2011 report)