
Circle Project staff are deeply committed to the work of creating opportunities to engage and work with the Indigenous community and help people help themselves. Their commitment has had a stabilizing effect on the organization and in the community, and as a result, the programs and services delivered by the Circle Project are stable and effective and produce real outcomes for individuals and families.

Our staff are also enthusiastic and passionate about being a part of a team that works for positive change in the community. This passion has led to long-term staff retention. More than half of our staff have been with us for more than 10 years; some are moving past the twenty years of service milestone.

Circle Project has made a commitment to developing leadership in our community, particularly with young Indigenous people. We have successfully encouraged and supported our staff members’ achievement of educational certificates, diplomas, and degrees, many through sponsorship or scholarship.

In addition to the regular day-to-day responsibilities for program and service delivery, the Circle Project staff enjoy creating opportunities for community gatherings and annual or special events where we can get to know our participants and their families better and be a part of the community we serve.