Infant & Toddler Centre

Location: 4401 Dewdney Avenue, Regina, SK
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Phone: 306-949-4911

The Circle Project Infant & Toddler Centre, opened in March 2012, provides a home-like atmosphere for infants and toddlers. The Centre is subsidized and licensed by the Ministry of Education to provide quality care for 36 children between 0 and 4 years of age. Every member of staff is a trained early childhood educator.

We provide the infants and toddlers in our care with a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and snack. Our staff plan age-appropriate activities with the children’s ideas as input and from observation of the children as they explore their environment. The children participate in arts, crafts, and circle time each day. They participate in gymnastics and music programs once a week.

During the Infant & Toddler Centre dedication in 2011, three paintings were presented to the Centre to commemorate this special day: “Spiritual Guidance,” “Sacred Blessings,” and “Dancing Loon Spirit.” The Elder in attendance remarked that the paintings were so appropriate as a gift to the Infant and Toddler Centre and recounted an experience that he once had on one of his travels when he happened to stop by a lake in the evening.

“There I witnessed a wonderful display of nature; five loon families were gathered as if visiting. The adult loons were all very busy, corralling the baby loons in a circle in the middle of the lake. Once they had gathered all of the babies in the centre, two continuously circled around the baby loons to protect them from enemies and straying away. All the other adult loons departed in search of food, diving in and out of the water, a short distance away. As the others returned, they replaced the caregivers and took their turn caring for the babies, so they could look for food and so the cycle went. Adults worked cooperatively to ensure that the babes were safe while they took care of the basic needs.”


A good place for families. —SI


It’s very warm and comfortable feeling in here. —JG


The teamwork and abilities they (staff) bring to work on a daily basis provides positive experiences and wonderful environments for the children. —LA