News Archives

Thank you Indigenous Christian Fellowship for once again hosting the annual Inter-Agency Chili Cook-off. This event is right up there as one of our favourite events in the community… and it doesn’t hurt that we won! It was so wonderful to come together after a five year break.


Thank you to everyone else who participated, your hard work was enjoyed! We look forward to defending the title next year.

“You’re invited to Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw’s Survey Says Charity Fundraiser! Guests are invited to attend at the Casino Regina Show Lounge where Big Time Game Show will be back with Survey Says!  Over $30,000 in cash prizes to be won by charities and a prize pool of over $5,000 for audience members!  Tickets are $10* each with proceeds going to support non-profits in our local community!


Below is the link to purchase tickets for the event:

Tickets | Survey Says Charity Challenge | Casino Regina

Circle Project is proud to be participating in this charity event with Casino Regina and Moose Jaw, see information below.

Circle Project’s Council and staff would like to thank Circle Project’s Wednesday NA meeting for the donation they made towards our Community Lunch Program. Thank you for supporting our important community work!

Circle Project would like to thank:

Amy Bladyko

Bob Perry

Varsteel HR

Joe & Susan Bladyko

John Santbergen


This Season the Council and Staff of the Circle Project would like to wish you and yours a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Our schedule over the holiday will be:

~ December 24, open 8:30-1:00

~ December 25 closed

~ December 26 closed

~ December 27 and 30, open 8:30-4:30

~ December 31, open 8:30-1:00

~ January 1, closed

~ January 2 we will be back open with regular hours of 8:30-4:30


While we are closed, you can call and leave a message at 306-347-7515 and we will return your call when we are back in the office.

Circle Project’s Council and staff would like to thank Bob and Bernie Canton for their continued generosity. Their recent donation will be used in support of our Community Lunch program to support those in need who access our centre. Thank you Bob and Bernie, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!