Circle Project Council and staff would like to thank Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association for choosing Circle Project as their charity of choice for their Run for Regina 2023 that was held on June 10, 2023. Thank you for supporting our important community work!
News Archives
Thank you to GDI SUNTEP Regina for the donation of a reception desk. We will be able to put this to good use. Thank you GDI SUNTEP Regina!
Circle Project Assoc. Inc. & REACH would like to thank our Major Sponsors, City of Regina | Municipal Government, Canadian Heritage and SaskCulture. Without your ongoing support our 2023 National Indigenous Peoples Day, Mamawinitowin Mocikihtawinihkewin – ‘Our Community Celebration’ would not be possible. Thank you for helping us to celebrate Indigenous people and culture in our community! #celebrateNIPD Meegwetch!
Today is our National Indigenous People’s Day 2023 Mamawinitowin Mocikihtawinihkewin “Our Community Celebration”.
We hope to see you all there!
We are hosting our Annual National Indigenous People’s Day 2023 Mamawinitowin Mocikihtawinihkewin “Our Community Celebration” and would like to invite you all to attend. Please let your friends and families know.
Circle Project Council and Staff would like to thank Team Power Solutions for their donation as part of their commitment towards the Truth and Reconciliation – Calls to Action. Through this donation, their goal is to leave positive impacts and to foster relationships wherever they perform work, regardless of community. Thank you to Team Power Solutions for supporting Circle Project’s important work in the community with Indigenous people.
Happy Easter from Circle Project’s Council and staff!
Our offices will be closed Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 11th. While we are closed, you can call and leave a message at 306-347-7515 and we will return your call when we are back in the office.
Circle Project’s Council and Staff would like to thank Munch Cafe and Catering for choosing our Community Lunch Program to receive the donation of food over the next six weeks. The food will be prepared through their “Double Impact Project” where they provide kitchen training to individuals with cognitive disabilities and help them with their job skill development. Thank you Munch Cafe and Catering for your donation towards Circle Project’s Community Lunch Program.
Circle Project Council and staff would like to thank the Commissionaires for their support at our Annual Anniversary Pipe Ceremony, Feast and Round Dance. Your support helped to make our event a success. Thank you for all your hard work!
Circle Project Council and staff would like to thank Lisa Longman and Donna Blind for all their hard work in creating the lovely Ribbon Skirts and Shirts that our special community supporters, Council and staff received in honour of our 35th Anniversary. Thank you Lisa and Donna for helping us celebrate!